April 27-29,2012
Mobile Anarchist School Project
Solidarity Eco-Camp Documentation Report
Solidarity eco-camp
objectifies bonding, sharing, party, play and relaxation. This is our way to
address different views, skills and practices in a more libertarian way. The
program that we prepare is just only a back-up plan, still it needs to address
this to all and make a consensus decision on what the peoples want to happen in
the eco-camp.
Before the day of 27th,
the people from Indokumentado Prod., Mindsetbreaker Press and Distro, EtnikoBandido Infoshop,
Food Not Bombs Makati, Punkizta Zine, Bahay Anarkulay, DieMEDIA, Bisekleta
Bomba, On-Site Youth and some local network already prepare and discuss what
will happen to this event.
April 25- Because the send venue has no electricity, a
friend gave a workshop on how to make a gas lamp for helping the camper to
brighten their night.
April 26- A collection of materials needed to the camp and also
buying and gathering variety of foods to feed all of the participants.
April 27- 8am is our call time to meet at EtnikoBandido
Infoshop. A friend already cooks a dish for our lunch. Approximately 9:30am the
jeep that we hired arrived and all of our stuffs load there and begin to travel
to Tanay, Rizal. Inside the jeep, different actions, expression and stories
emerge while seeing the mountainous side of Sierra Madre Mountain. We arrived
at the location around 1pm and start organizing our personal stuffs after that
we gather all of the people to talk about the “house rules” and “tasking” for
the first two days on the camp while the others already cooking a large amount
of rice for the first 23 participants.
Some of the house rules consensually agreed are:
* Indoor fire
* minimizing the
volume of voice and sounds that we will produce specially at night in respect
for the inhabitants of place,
* garbage segregation
*after using the tools, kitchen utensils and other stuffs,
bring back where you get it
*coordinate with the people if you will leave or going
*if someone ask tell them that we are on a environmental
workshop and seminars
*ask first if you will use the comfort room
All of these rules are nothing if you are sensitive,
responsible and have self-discipline.
After this, tasking on that will be committed on cooking,
washing dishes, getting water and cleaning the place.
At the end of the talks, one proposed that in the evening we
can have a discussion and sharing on expectation and personal desires on the eco-camp.
After the talk our lunch already serve by volunteers. When all of the
participants eat, then the spontaneity happen, some clean the area and cut the
grass, others made tables coming from the branches of trees, others prepared
the dart board games, some having a relaxing mode while others playing music
and so on. Late afternoon we already put the gas lamp that we’ve made, still
cooking volunteer continue their work this time we are almost 27 people and
counting. After our dinner, we continue our sharing and discussion on
expectation check and personal desires, one by one participate so we will know
how to balance and check the nature of their participation so all the people
will adjust including the facilitator and the organizer. At this time, one by
one say goodnight and go to sleep.
April 28- A fresh Saturday morning, one group already
prepare their way to visit the 1hr trekking, rivers and falls while the cooking
volunteers already prepare sandwich and salad for breakfast. Some still make
their respective task and others play music while having a conversation with
each other. A harmonious atmosphere in the morning. When the first group came
back from their swimming activity with their stories others also wants to try
and experience the beauty of nature so they went also on the place. The people
who are left on the camp already arrange the meal for lunch. By lunch time most
of the people are already back at the camp to eat, this time a little problem
happen about the food distribution and the equality of serving, some fulfill
their hunger and some are not, there are some arguments and assumptions why
this thing happen, some says there is no sensitivity and self-discipline on the
part of other individual who only think their personal needs other articulate
that this is because of uncalculated amount of serving on the part of the
people who cook the meal. But after a hot confrontation with the people
involves we resolve the issue and other initiate to cook again for the rest.
After all the people eat, individuals make their own things with no command on
the higher level. One proposed a fun game in the afternoon and anyone are free
to participate if they want too, so in the afternoon the game starts and it was
really one of an enjoying moment. When the night time approaching additional
number of participants became more and more because of the arrival of almost 15
people who went there hitch hiking and other with their bikes. By this time
approximately 41 participants are already at the eco-camp. At this moment with
the help of a rechargeable light our comrade executes his discussion on Radical
Ecology to share information about this eco-philosophy from ecofeminism, social
ecology to deep ecology. Some critically articulate this topic because this
kind of topic is unusual to most of the participants. Because we are in an
eco-camp we think that this is important to know, how our action affects other
specially the environment around us and how we think concerning of their
existence. Different views and analysis emerge; some keep listening and trying
to understand the relation of this to their everyday life. The dinner is ready
for all of us and the discussion ended and agreed that it will continue
tomorrow. After the dinner some have a
drink and some go straight to sleep.
April 29- Again this morning a group of almost 15 people
went to a river and falls and decided to stay there till 10am. Swimming,
singing, talks and taking pictures occur. On the camp site, the part two of the
discussion on Radical Ecology happens also. By the end of the discussion some
already pack their things and wait for others to arrive. This is our final day;
volunteers of their respective task already work on cooking and cleaning the
area. We feel that the 3 days event is not enough to make all the proposed
activities that are why some have their side meetings and discussion. After we
eat our lunch others already said goodbye and hoping that maybe someday it will
happen again. The facilitator and organizer of the event with the help of some
friends and comrades already sort out all the things that we use and ready for
travel back to manila. We are going back to a exhausted, hot and problematic
city of ours. While on the jeep a conversation about bike and its politics
informally take place while others already at sleep. Roughly 8pm we are at home
and then still we cook dinner and eat before we split.